It's great to hear that despite the hurdles involved with producing a car in Nigeria this company is moving ahead. The Sun new story goes in dept into this pioneering company. With the new automobile factory nearing completion, innoson is set to change the way Nigerians look at buying new vehicles. Bringing the price of the mini buses and mini trucks(pictured above) to be manufactured to under ₦1 million. The vehicles would be assembled in the new factory in Nnewi from CKD(completely knocked Down) imported from China's Wuling Auto. But they would wear Innoson badges. Innoson is looking to make local content near 30% with some parts being made in-house.
The sight of this would bring much needed momentum to the Nigerian manufacturing arena and produce tremendous development for the local parts suppliers. Although the car is not entirely made in Nigeria, it is a good step to strengten the industry besides even the established car manufacturers assemble cars with parts from all over the world. The world average for local content is about 60% which can be reached with time. The initial factory capacity would be 20 vehicles per day increasing with time.